How To pin A Comment On Instagram - The Ultimate Guide!

After posting on your Instagram account and gotten several comments, you may want to pin some comments. Pinning comments helps to keep them on top of the other comment. That makes pinned comments easier to be seen by the people liking or commenting on the post. That is especially useful for Instagram posts with many comments, such as photos and videos. Pinning also makes it easier for people to find the comment, as it appears on top of the other comments.

Steps to pin comment:

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to pin a comment on Instagram.

Step 1. Open your Instagram app

Step 2. Go to the post with the comment you want to pin

Step 3. Tap and hold on to the comment you want to pin

Step 4. Tap "Pin" next to the comment field

Step 5. Tha 's all! You can now see the comment pinned in the top of your feed

How Many Comments Can You Pin Per Instagram Post?

The number of comments that can be pinned on Instagram varies from post o post. There is a limit on how many comments you can pin p r post. The maximum number of comments you can pin is 3 p r post.

How to Unpin a Comment?

After posting a comment on your Instagram account, it is possible that someone removes it by unpin ing it. When someone unpins a comment from your feed, it will once again be available for all to see a d read. To unpin, a comment, tap and hold on to the comment in question and then tap "unpin" next to the commen field. This will remove the pinned comment from your feed and return it back to normal for all other users to view again. With the help of best smm panel you will get all the details regarding it.

When to pin a particular comment?

There are several situations that may make you pin specific c mments. Those cases include:

when you want a specific comment to appear on the top

If you want a certain comment to remain on the top of the other comments, you may consider pin ing it. That is because all the pinned comments will appear on top of the other comments.

Pin a comment for better readability on Instagram

Pinning a comment is essential to make it easier for people to read your post and to understand what's g ing on. That will make it easier for people to see the comments in your post and also keep your post from getting cluttered with too many comments.

When the comment is special

the other case when it is essential to pin the comment is when the comment is pecial. For instance, you may like a certain complement from another user and want to pin it. The comment is special if it goes with the post in a good way and makes the post even more interesting to read.

When you don't want to hear from the person

Another situation that may make you pin a comment is when you don't want to hear from the person. If you have a negative comment about your post, for instance, then pinning it will make it less likely for other users to see it. Pinning a comment that is not exactly what you like will also prevent someone else from liking or commenting on it, as well as making sure that they won't see your post altogether.


The ultimate guide to pinning comments on Instagram is a step-by-step guide of how to pin comments on In tagram. It is a very useful tool for people who are very active in their Instagram account, and want to keep their comments pinned. It also helps people who want to read the comments, but don't want to scroll through the entire post.